Welcome to the Tika's garden. A place full of imagination. A piece of clay can be modified into many things.
You are kindly invited into my garden.

March 26, 2011

Meet lovely Mademoiselle G.

Photo and art doll by Mademoiselle G.

Mademoiselle G. is young canadien from Montreal area and studying history of art in Brussels . She does wonders in her little world between two classes!  She is so talented, I love her wonderful work. Peek here.  It's worth it. She is having  Super Spring Sale!

P.S.: She's got such a great talent from her mum. Check it here!


  1. @tongchen:I visited your blog, but sorry, I couldn't read much :( It is all upside down, even if I use google translate.

  2. Thank for sharing Tika. Hope you're having a great, sunny weekend!
