Welcome to the Tika's garden. A place full of imagination. A piece of clay can be modified into many things.
You are kindly invited into my garden.

April 23, 2011

Easter eggs

On a beautiful sunny day as it was today, me and children went
on a walk by the river. I picked up some greenies for special work
I was planing to do later. What it was? Here are results:

If you wonder how I did that?

It is very simple:

Pick up some greenies and little flowers and wrap it on eggs
with old nylon socks.

Prepare a pot and put in some cold water and dry onion peels.

Put  the eggs in and add a tablespoon of salt and
two tablespoons of vinegar.
Boil them for 15 - 20 minutes, till they get nice brown-red color.

I love to make Easter eggs that way.
It is simple, ecological and of course
I love that terracotta color so much !

Happy Easter to everyone!


  1. Oh, they're delightful - what a lovely idea. Great result. Have a lovely Easter weekend! Abby x

  2. Beautiful eggs Tika! Hope you've had a lovely Easter :-)

  3. Fantastic! Great recipe for decorative eggs! And a great activity to do with children.I hope it has been a pleasant Easter!!
    Ciao Tiziana

  4. These are the most wonderful Easter eggs I've ever seen. I can't wait to try this. Onions at the ready!
